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Look smart on Zoom under a duvet, with Premier Inn’s new Zzzoovet!

19 Mar 2021 Brand

The Zzzoovet
  • Designed for doing work video calls whilst under a duvet, Premier Inn launch the Zzzoovet
  • Their new shirt-come-duvet outfit is perfect for working from home
  • 65% of Brits admit to only getting properly dressed from the waist up when working from home

March 2021: With many of us finding it hard to get out of bed when working from home, and half of us claiming to have made work calls from bed, Premier Inn has created the perfect solution – the Zzzoovet!

To mark World Sleep Day (19 March 2021), a day traditionally focused on getting a great night’s sleep, the Zzzoovet has been announced to help people working from home stay warm and cosy, whilst appearing completely professional on video platforms such as Zoom or Teams video calls.
The unusual addition to the work wardrobe has been inspired by many of us who have spent nearly a year of working from home, and promises to provide you with a perfectly work-friendly look on your top half (perfect for those video calls) whilst off screen the wearer’s body is tucked up in the folds of a big cosy Premier Inn duvet.

Working in comfortOver a third of Brits working from home (38%) have admitted that they work more efficiently at home when they are wearing comfier clothes, with 70% saying that wearing comfy clothes improves their work-life balance and helps them sleep better at night.
1 in 5 Brits even wish that it will be acceptable to wear more casual clothes like pyjamas to the office in the future.

Introducing the Premier Inn ZzzoovetPremier Inn has collaborated with The Sewing Rooms, a social enterprise based in Lancashire, to develop a new potential product for their home range, the Zzzoovet.

James Latham, Premier Inn’s sleep comfort expert says “With TikTok videos of Premier Inn pillows going viral and sales soaring, we’re aware that our customers love to bring the comfort of our hotels into their homes. We have a home range of Premier Inn mattresses, duvets and pillows that are hugely popular, and whilst thinking about what other at-home Premier Inn products we could offer, the idea of the Zzzoovet was born.

Our research shows that 1 in 8 Brits work with a duvet wrapped around them, and our Zzzoovet allows you to do that whilst still looking smart for work. The Zzzoovet ticks so many boxes, you look unassuming and professional on camera, but you’re kept warm and cosy off screen with that snuggly feeling of still being in bed. The Zzzoovet is a fun way of giving you a little touch of Premier Inn comfort whilst you work.”

Comfort is key when working from home, so whether people want to be cocooned in their duvet on the sofa, or sat in their home office, the Zzzoovet is sure to be the perfect home-working outfit for many of us.

The curious clothing is comprised of a wraparound duvet with a special fastening so it can be adjusted to fit most wearers, and comes with either a smart unisex crisp white buttoned shirt or a fresh white sweatshirt, giving the wearer a completely professional appearance whether they need a more formal look or when a more relaxed appearance is called for.The Zzzoovet wearer looks set for the office from the waist up, but their outfit transforms into a 10.5 tog microfiber duvet from the waist down, off-screen and out of sight of the laptop camera. The luxurious bedding envelops the wearer, allowing for that cosy snuggled-up-in-bed feeling, whilst letting you still be productive and presentable for work.

The Zzzoovet went through a few rounds of development before the perfect design was settled on. In order for it to be as comfortable as possible, the latest prototype features has a handy detachable waist band that can be worn with any top, allowing the wearer to quickly remove their Zzzoovet if they need to dash to the door for one of those inevitable home deliveries.Early feedback for the Zzzoovet has been very positive, with early testers saying “My house is freezing and I was putting on a dressing gown in-between Zoom calls, but I can just leave the Zzzoovet on and stay warm all day!” Other feedback included “This is brilliant, my colleagues had no idea I’m tucked up in a duvet – on screen I just look like I’m at my desk!”

Win a Zzzoovet

Whilst not available to purchase yet, a limited number of Zzzoovet samples have been produced by the Sewing Rooms whilst Premier Inn gauge interest in this innovative product. For 48 hours from 10am Thursday 18th March, followers of Premier Inn’s Facebook page can enter their giveaway to test out the Zzzoovet for themselves:

To find out more about the Zzzoovet visit

And whilst the Zzzoovet is still in the trial stages, we have plenty of other ways you can bring the comfort of Premier Inn into your home all year round – visit to get hold of your very own Premier Inn bed or pillows.

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