Costa Express awarded ISO14001 International Atandard for Sustainability

Costa Express, the UK’s leading self-serve coffee bar, has been awarded the ISO14001 International Standard due to its commitment to sustainable practice. This standard provides an approach to environment management as well as all the practical tools to implement and respond to changing environmental conditions.
Measures have been applied across every aspect of Costa Express. The machines themselves now have insulated boilers to make them more efficient and reduce energy usage, meaning energy savings of around 400 watts per day. New boilers are being supplied with the insulation as standard, whilst older boilers are all being upgraded to fit the insulation. This will improve the overall life of the boiler and achieve long term energy savings.
Costa Express has also assessed the current water usage of machines, optimising the amount of water required for use. The team are looking at how best to minimise the amount of water required to run and clean the machines.
The Costa Express fleet which supplies the machines uses telematics to enable the planning team to route the field teams effectively. They are also working to reduce maintenance callouts to lessen the environmental impact of the vehicles and encourage efficient driving by measuring fuel economy.
“Costa Express has worked tirelessly to integrate sustainable decision making in every part of the business” said Nicola Stopps, CEO of Simply Sustainable, who supported the implementation of the standard.
“Costa Express is committed to proactively managing its environmental impact” said Murray McGowan, Managing Director at Costa Express, “Progress can only be demonstrated through effective measurement, which is why we hold ourselves to rigorous standards based on quality measurements and insights. These not only benefit the environment, but also reduce costs and improve efficiency within Costa Express.”
For further information please contact:
Isabella Highett, International and Express Press Officer
Mob: +44 7824 081791
About Costa Express
Costa Express is the UK’s leading self-serve coffee bar. Since its launch in 2011, it has demonstrated phenomenal growth and today boasts over 5,500 machines, serving over 80 million cups of coffee every year, across 9 international markets. This puts Costa Express on track to deliver its target of 8,000 machines by 2020.
Costa Express is part of Costa Coffee, the UKs favourite coffee shop chain with over 45 years of coffee making expertise. Costa Coffee operates over 3,000 coffee shops across 32 international markets. Just like in stores, Costa Express uses the Costa’s original Mocha Italia recipe roasted in Old Paradise Street, London, with our 100% Rainforest Alliance certified™ coffee remaining at the core of our quality coffee credentials. Our innovative self-serve coffee bars expertly combine high-quality coffee and fresh milk with leading technology, making it the quickest, easiest and most efficient way to ensure coffee lovers enjoy a delicious cup of barista-style Costa Coffee on the go.
Costa Express is committed to sustainable practise and in June 2016 attained the ISO14001 International Standard. This standard demonstrates a systematic approach to environment management and a framework by which to implement and respond to changing environmental conditions.
Looking after coffee growers is extremely important to Costa, which is why we established The Costa Foundation, a registered charity with the aim to relieve poverty, advance education and the health and environment of coffee-growing communities around the world. So far, The Costa Foundation has funded the building of 56 schools and improved the social and economic welfare of coffee-growing communities.
About Simply Sustainable
Simply Sustainable was founded in 2010 and is the UK’s fastest growing sustainability consultancy, offering top class practical advice; generated from the substantial ‘in-house’ corporate experience of all our consultants.
Our consultants are able to take a practical and business-focused approach to help organisations build sustainability into their operations. We work collaboratively with our clients to achieve lasting improvements in their sustainability performance to help maximise long-term growth.